Teste seus conhecimentos em interpretação de texto em inglês com questões do Enem! Também aproveite para ver dicas que vão agilizar sua interpretação!
Muito mais do que gramática ou vocabulário, para acertar as questões de língua estrangeira do Enem, você precisa saber como interpretar um texto. Por isso, trouxemos algumas dicas e uma lista de questões sobre interpretação de texto em inglês.
Resumo sobre interpretação de texto em inglês
A maior parte das questões de Inglês do Enem envolvem leitura e interpretação de texto na língua inglesa. Isso permite que a avaliação investigue o quanto você sabe de vocabulário e a sua capacidade de entender e captar a mensagem geral de um texto.
Existem duas técnicas de leitura que podem te ajudar na missão de interpretar textos em inglês: skimming e scanning. A utilização dessas estratégias é útil para agilizar a sua interpretação de texto. Isso é necessário porque você deve demorar, em média, 3 minutos para resolver cada questão no Enem. E, como as questões possuem textos longos, você não pode perder tempo.
Skimming consiste numa leitura rápida para obter a ideia principal de um texto. A leitura de frases temáticas (geralmente a primeira frase de um parágrafo) pode ser uma maneira eficaz de entender a ideia principal do texto. No skimming é assim: encontrou uma palavra desconhecida? Ignore e volte a fazer a leitura pelas palavras que você conhece. O mais importante é entender o contexto geral, e não palavra por palavra.
O scanning, por sua vez, é uma forma de leitura superficial e rápida. Como o próprio nome sugere scanning, é a varredura do texto. O objetivo é se concentrar em palavras-chave ou ideias. Alguns exemplos práticos dessa técnica seriam quando lemos rapidamente a primeira página de um jornal, damos uma espiada em algumas páginas da internet, quando procuramos uma palavra no dicionário, entre outros.
Outra dica que vai te ajudar a resolver questões de interpretação em inglês é começar lendo o enunciado. Assim, você já sabe qual informação deve buscar no texto e a chance de ficar perdido é bem menor.
Antes de partir para os exercícios, confira a videoaula do professor Guilherme no canal do Curso Enem Gratuito. Ele ensina técnicas para resolver as questões e ainda mostra um exemplo:
Questões sobre interpretação de texto em inglês
Sumário do Quiz
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Pergunta 1 de 10
1. Pergunta
(ENEM MEC/2021/1º Aplicação)
Exterior: Between The Museums – Day
Americans always think Europe is perfect. But such beauty and history can be really oppressive. It reduces the individual to nothing. It just reminds you all the time you are just a little speck in a long history, where in America you feel like you could be making history. That’s why I like Los Angeles because it is so…
No, I was going to say “neutral”. It’s like looking at a blank canvas. I think people go to places like Venice on their honeymoon to make sure they are not going to fight for the first two weeks of their marriage because they’ll be too busy looking around at all the beautiful things. That’s what people call a romantic place – somewhere where the prettiness will contain your primary violent instinct. A real good honeymoon spot would be like somewhere in New Jersey.
KRIZAN, K.; LINKLATER, R. Before Sunrise: screenplay. New York: Vintage Books, 2005.
Considerando-se o olhar dos personagens, esse trecho do roteiro de um filme permite reconhecer que a avaliação sobre um lugar depende do(a)
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Pergunta 2 de 10
2. Pergunta
(ENEM MEC/2021/2º Aplicação)
How On-line Gamers are Solving Science’s Biggest Problems
On paper, gamers and scientists make a bizarre union. But in reality, their two worlds aren’t leagues apart: both involve solving problems within a given set of rules. Genetic analysis, for instance, is about finding sequences and patterns among seemingly random clusters of data. Frame the analysis as a pattern-spotting game that looks like Candy Crush, and, while aligning patterns and scoring points, players can also be hunting for mutations that cause cancer, Alzheimer’s disease or diabetes.
“Our brains are geared up to recognise patterns”, says Erinma Ochu, a neuroscientist at the University of Manchester, explaining why scientists are turning to gamers for help, “and we do it better than computers. This is a new way of working for scientists, but as long as they learn how to trust game developers to do what they do best — make great games — then they can have thousands of people from all around the world working on their data”.
Disponível em: http://www.theguardian.com. Acesso em: 8 fev. 2014 (adaptado).
De acordo com a reportagem publicada no jornal The Guardian, os adeptos de jogos eletrônicos podem ajudar os cientistas por terem
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Pergunta 3 de 10
3. Pergunta
(ENEM MEC/2021/1º Aplicação)
We are now a nation obsessed with the cult of celebrity. Celebrities have replaced the classic nation of the hero. But instead of being respected for talent, courage or intelligence, it is money, style and image the deciding factors in what commands respect. Image is everything. Their image is painstakingly constructed by a multitude of different image consultants to carve out the most profitable celebrity they can. Then society is right behind them, believing in everything that celebrity believes in. Companies know that people will buy a product if a celebrity has it too. It is as if the person buying the product feels that they now have some kind of connection with the celebrity and that some of their perceived happiness will now be passed onto the consumer. So to look at it one way, the cult of celebrity is really nothing more than a sophisticated marketing scheme. Celebrities though cannot be blamed for all negative aspects of society. In reality society is to blame. We are the people who seemed to have lost the ability to think for ourselves. I suppose it’s easier to be told what to think, rather than challenging what we are told. The reason we are swamped by celebrity is because there is a demand for it.
Disponível em: http://www.pitlanemagazine.com. Acesso em: 7 dez. 2017 (adaptado).
O texto, que aborda questões referentes ao tema do culto à celebridade, tem o objetivo de
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Pergunta 4 de 10
4. Pergunta
(ENEM MEC/2020/Aplicação digital)
GOAL has worked to improve access to food for highly vulnerable and food-insecure households in many districts of Zimbabwe. We identify such households, supply them with monthly food rations, and conduct monthly post-distribution monitoring. GOAL works in the same districts, to improve access to food for the most vulnerable primary school children during the peak hungry months. The emphasis is on orphans and vulnerable children. GOAL provides short-term food security support to other vulnerable households by increasing the availability of grain, and by helping enhance their ability to meet basic needs.
Disponível em: http://www.goal.ie. Acesso em: 5 dez. 2012 (adaptado).
Tendo como público-alvo crianças órfãs e em situações de vulnerabilidade, a organização não governamental GOAL tem atuado no Zimbábue para
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Pergunta 5 de 10
5. Pergunta
(ENEM MEC/2020/Aplicação digital)
If Women Had Their Own Currency, Here’s What It Would Be Worth
Charlotte Alter @charlottealter Maya Rhodan @m_rhodan July 31, 2014
After a little girl asked President Obama why there aren’t any women on U.S. currency, he said that adding some female faces to our cash sounded like a “pretty good idea”. Almost immediately, all of our fantasies came alive on the web. What would, let’s say, Ruth Bader Ginsburg look like on a $20 bill? Where would we spend our Beyoncé $10 bill first? Will our grandmas give us a Susan B. Anthony $5 bill on our birthdays and tell us not to spend it all at once?
But then we remembered: because of the wage gap, a dollar for a woman is not the same as a dollar for a man. Although the true extent of the gender pay gap is widely disputed even among feminists, President Obama said in the 2014 State of the Union that women make only 77¢ for every dollar a man makes.
Disponível em: http://time.com. Acesso em: 18 ago. 2014 (adaptado).
Nas notas e moedas de dólar norte-americano, estão estampados apenas bustos de homens. Ao imaginar a possibilidade de inclusão de figuras célebres femininas às notas, o autor do texto indica que
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Pergunta 6 de 10
6. Pergunta
(ENEM MEC/2020/Aplicação digital)
Vogue Magazine’s Complicated Relationship with Diversity
Edward Enninful, the new editor-in-chief of British Vogue, has a proven history of addressing diversity that many hope will be the start of an overhaul of the global Vogue brand.
In March, he responded sublimely when US President Donald Trump nominated Supreme Court judge Neil Gorsuch, who allegedly does not care much about civil rights: Enninful styled a shoot for his then employer, the New York-based W magazine, in which a range of ethnically diverse models climb the stairs of an imaginary “Supreme Court”. In February, after Trump initiated the much-debated immigration ban, Enninful put together a video showcasing the various fashion celebrities who have immigrated into the US. Even before his first official day in Vogue’s Mayfair offices, Enninful had hired two English superstars of Jamaican descent in an attempt to diversify the team. Model Naomi Campbell and make-up artist Pat McGrath both share Enninful’s aim of championing fashion as a force for social change.
One can only hope that Enninful’s appointment is not a mere blip, but a move in the right direction on a long road to diversity for the global brand.
Disponível em: http://www.independent.co.uk. Acesso em: 11 ago. 2017 (adaptado).
Considerando-se as características dos trabalhos realizados pelo novo editor-chefe da Vogue inglesa, espera-se que a revista contribua para a
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Pergunta 7 de 10
7. Pergunta
(ENEM MEC/2020/2º Aplicação)
In contemporary black popular culture, rap music has become one of the spaces where black vernacular speech is used in a manner that invites dominant mainstream culture to listen — to hear — and, to some extent, be transformed. However, one of the risks of this attempt at cultural translation is that it will trivialize black vernacular speech. When young white kids imitate this speech in ways that suggest it is the speech of those who are stupid or who are only interested in entertaining or being funny, then the subversive power of this speech is undermined.
HOOKS, B. Teaching to Transgress. New York: Routledge, 1994.
De acordo com Bell Hooks, intelectual negra estadunidense, o poder subversivo do rap consiste na possibilidade de
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Pergunta 8 de 10
8. Pergunta
(ENEM MEC/2020/1º Aplicação)
Finally, Aisha finished with her customer and asked what colour Ifemelu wanted for her hair attachments.
“Colour four.”
“Not good colour,” Aisha said promptly.
“That’s what I use.”
“It look dirty. You don’t want colour one?”
“Colour one is too black, it looks fake,” Ifemelu said, loosening her headwrap. “Sometimes I use colour two, but colour four is closest to my natural colour.”
She touched Ifemelu’s hair. “Why you don’t have relaxer?”
“I like my hair the way God made it.”
“But how you comb it? Hard to comb,” Aisha said.
Ifemelu had brought her own comb. She gently combed her hair, dense, soft and tightly coiled, until it framed her head like a halo. “It’s not hard to comb if you moisturize it properly,” she said, slipping into the coaxing tone of the proselytizer that she used whenever she was trying to convince other black women about the merits of wearing their hair natural. Aisha snorted; she clearly could not understand why anybody would choose to suffer through combing natural hair, instead of simply relaxing it. She sectioned out Ifemelu’s hair, plucked a little attachment from the pile on the table and began deftly to twist.
ADICHIE, C. Americanah: A novel. New York: Anchor Books, 2013.
A passagem do romance da escritora nigeriana traz um diálogo entre duas mulheres negras: a cabeleireira, Aisha, e a cliente, Ifemelu. O posicionamento da cliente é sustentado por argumentos que
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Pergunta 9 de 10
9. Pergunta
(ENEM MEC/2019/1º Aplicação)
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Sugar fear-mongering unhelpful
By The Washington Times Tuesday, June 25, 2013
In his recent piece “Is obesity a disease?” (Web, June 19), Dr. Peter Lind refers to high-fructose corn syrup and other “manufactured sugars” as “poison” that will “guarantee storage of fat in the body.” Current scientific research strongly indicates that obesity results from excessive calorie intake combined with a sedentary lifestyle. The fact is Americans are consuming more total calories now than ever before. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, our total per-capita daily caloric intake increased by 22 percent from 2,076 calories per day in 1970 to 2,534 calories per day in 2010 — an additional 458 calories, only 34 of which come from increased added sugar intake. A vast majority of these calories come from increased fats and flour/ cereals. Surprisingly, the amount of caloric sweeteners (i.e. sugar, high-fructose, corn syrup, honey, etc.). Americans consume has actually decreased over the past decade. We need to continue to study the obesity epidemic to see what more can be done, but demonizing one specific ingredient accomplishes nothing and raises unnecessary fears that get in the way of real solutions.
JAMES M. RIPPE Shrewsbury, Mass. Disponível em: http://www.washingtontimes.com. Acesso em: 29 jul. 2013 (adaptado).
Ao abordar o assunto “obesidade”, em uma seção de jornal, o autor
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Pergunta 10 de 10
10. Pergunta
(ENEM MEC/2018)
1984 (excerpt)
‘Is it your opinion, Winston, that the past has real existence?’ […] O’Brien smiled faintly. ‘I will put it more precisely. Does the past exist concretely, in space? Is there somewhere or other a place, a world of solid objects, where the past is still happening?’
‘Then where does the past exist, if at all?’
‘In records. It is written down.’
‘In records. And — —?’
‘In the mind. In human memories.’
‘In memory. Very well, then. We, the Party, control all records, and we control all memories. Then we control the past, do we not?’
ORWELL, G. Nineteen Eighty-Fou. New York: Signet Classics, 1977.
O romance 1984 descreve os perigos de um Estado totalitário. A ideia evidenciada nessa passagem é que o controle do Estado se dá por meio do(a)
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