Nouns: Veja os Substantivos Compostos – Inglês Enem
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Substantivos compostos são substantivos formados por duas ou mais palavras. Podem ser palavras separadas, combinadas em uma só palavra ou unidas por hífen. Saber como os substantivos compostos são formados em inglês ajuda muito na hora de interpretar textos no Enem. Então, “bora” estudar?
Veja agora com o professor de Inglês Eduardo Asbun, do canal do Curso Enem Gratuito, as dicas básicas para você acertar nas pegadinhas de singular e de pllural nos substantivos compostos em inglês:
Relação entre as palavras num substantivo composto:
1. A primeira palavra indicando quando ou onde a segunda palavra ocorre.
Exemplos: corner shop (loja na esquina), Sunday paper (jornal de domingo),
morning shift (turno matutino)
2. A primeira palavra indicando a origem da segunda
Exemplos: Harvard student (estudante de Harvard), Brazil nut (castanha-do-Pará)
3. Para substantivos como factory (fábrica), farm (fazenda), mine (mina), agency (agência) a primeira palavra indicando o que é produzido ou o tipo de trabalho feito.
Exemplos: gold mine (mina de ouro), assembly plant (fábrica de montagem), news agency (agência de notícias)
4. A primeira palavra indicando de que tipo é a segunda palavra,
Exemplos: sparkling water (água com gás), opera singer (cantor de ópera),
beauty contest (concurso de beleza)
5. A segunda palavra pertencendo à ou sendo parte da primeira.
Exemplos: garden gate (portão do jardim), mountain top (topo da montanha)
a) Palavras que indicam quantidade (como part, piece, slice, etc.) NÃO podem ser usadas desta maneira. Neste caso, dizemos:
a piece of cheese (um pedaço de queijo)
a slice of bread (uma fatia de pão
b) Lembre-se de que se a parte for de pessoa, usamos o genitivo:
the woman’s hair
6. A primeira palavra indicando o material do qual é feita a segunda palavra.
Exemplos: gold watch (relógio de ouro), silk dress (vestido de seda)
Importante para gabaritar nos substantivos
a) certas palavras como wood (madeira) e wool (lã) possuem forma adjetiva – wooden e woolen, respectivamente. Neste caso, temos que usar o adjetivo para indicar o material do qual o objeto é feito: wooden chair (cadeira de madeira) e woolen cardigan (malha de lã).
b) outras palavras como gold, lead, silk e stone possuem também a forma adjetiva – golden, leaden, silken e stony, mas neste caso esta última forma tem um sentido mais metafórico. Observe a diferença em significado:
7. A primeira palavra indicando com o que se relaciona a segunda palavra.
Exemplos: math book (livro de matemática), peace talks (negociações de paz)
8. As duas ou três primeiras palavras indicando a medida com número da segunda palavra.
Exemplos: a ten-year-old girl (uma menina de dez anos), a five-hour flight (um vôo de cinco horas), a ten-kilo weight (um peso de dez quilos)
9. A primeira palavra indicando função da segunda palavra.
Exemplos: coffee cup (xícara para café), bathroom (banheiro), saleswoman (vendedora)
Quando falamos de um recipiente e seu conteúdo, duas estruturas são possíveis, mas com significados diferentes. Veja:
a cup of coffee – uma xícara cheia de café
a coffee cup – uma xícara para café
a bottle of milk – uma garrafa cheia de leite
a milk bottle – uma garrafa para leite
O uso de When e de While
Veja os macetes da professora Anais, do canal do Curso Enem Gratuito, para você gabaritar geral nas questões de interpretação de textos onde aparecem “When” e/ou “While”.
Faça estes exercícios de interpretação de texto que selecionei para você, e veja como estar por dentro de substantivos compostos ajuda. Boa sorte!
Questão 1 (FUVEST 2010)
Europe’s economic distress could be China’s opportunity. In the past, the country has proved a hesitant investor in the continent, but figures show a 30 percent surge in new Chinese projects in Europe last year. And these days Europe looks ever more tempting. Bargains proliferate as the yuan strengthens and cash strapped governments forget concerns over foreign ownership of key assets. On a recent visit to Greece, Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang sealed 14 deals, reportedly the largest Chinese investment package in Europe, covering a range of sectors from construction to telecoms.
Meanwhile, Irish authorities have opened talks with Chinese promoters to develop a 240-hectare industrial park in central Ireland where Chinese manufacturers could operate inside the European Union free of quotas and costly tariffs. In time, that could bring 10,000 new jobs. “It’s good business,” says Vanessa Rossi, an authority on China at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London. “There’s big mutual benefit here.” Europe needs money; China needs markets.
Newsweek, July 19, 2010, p. 6. Adaptado.
Segundo o texto, a China
a) aproveitou o momento da crise mundial e fez vários investimentos no próprio país.
b) teve problemas econômicos similares aos dos países europeus, mas conseguiu superá-los.
c) hesitava em investir em países asiáticos e perdeu boas oportunidades na região.
d) aumentou seus investimentos na Europa no ano passado.
e) ressurgiu como potência mundial após vários anos de isolamento.
Questão 2 (FUVEST 2008)
Two in every three people on the planet–some 4 billion in total–are “excluded from the rule of law.” In many cases, this begins with the lack of official recognition of their birth: around 40% of the developing world’s five-year-old children are not registered as even existing.
Later, people will find that the home they live in, the land they farm, or the business that they start, is not protected by legally enforceable property rights. Even in the rare cases when they can afford to go to court, the service is poor. India, for example, has only 11 judges for every 1 million people.
These alarming statistics are contained in a report from a commission on the legal empowerment of the poor, released on June 3rd at the United Nations. It argues that not only are such statistics evidence of grave injustice, they also reflect one of the main reasons why so much of humanity remains mired in poverty. Because they are outside the rule of law, the vast majority of poor people are obliged to work (if they work at all) in the informal economy, which is less productive than the formal, legal part of the economy.
The Economist, June 7th 2008.
O relatório citado no texto observa que
a) a ilegalidade é uma condição combatida em países subdesenvolvidos.
b) os dados estatísticos sobre a pobreza no mundo são incompletos.
c) o fortalecimento do poder legal dos pobres melhoraria sua condição econômica e social.
d) a pobreza só poderia ser combatida com a intervenção das Nações Unidas.
e) a economia informal está em vias de ser abolida.
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Pergunta 1 de 10
1. Pergunta
01 The study of game aesthetics is a very 02 recent practice, spanning less than two 03 decades. Unlike game studies in mathematics 04 or the social sciences, …….. are much older, 05 games became subject to humanistic study 06 only after computer and video games became 07 popular. This lack of persistent interest might 08 seem odd, but only if we see traditional 09 games and computer games as intrinsically 10 similar, …….. they are not. We might try to 11 explain this lack by noting that games are 12 usually seen as trivial and lowbrow by the 13 aesthetic and theoretical elites …….. cultivate 14 the analysis of artistic media objects: 15 literature, the visual arts, theatre, music, etc. 16 But this does not explain the fact that 17 aesthetic studies of games are now not only 18 possible, but even encouraged and supported 19 with funding. What happened to cause this 20 change?
21 A possible explanation could be that digital 22 games, unlike traditional games or sports, 23 consist of non-ephemeral content (stored 24 words, sounds and images), which places 25 them much closer to the ideal object of the 26 Humanities, the work of art. Thus, they 27 become visible and textualizable for the 28 aesthetic observer, in a way the previous 29 phenomena were not.
30 However, this sudden visibility, probably 31 also caused by the tremendous economic and 32 cultural success of computer games, produces 33 certain blind spots in the aesthetic observer, 34 especially if he/she is trained in textual/visual 35 analysis, as is usually the case. Instead of 36 treating the new phenomena carefully, and as 37 objects of a study for which no methodology 38 yet exists, they are analyzed with tools that 39 happen to be at hand, such as film or 40 narrative theories. Therefore we need to 41 outline and promote a methodology for the 42 aesthetic study of games, which, given the 43 current nascent state of the field, will 44 doubtlessly give way to more sophisticated 45 approaches in the years to come.
Adapted from: Aarseth, Espen. Playing Research:
Methodological approaches to game analysis. Available at: < papers/Aarseth.pdf>. Accessed on July 26th, 2014.
Select the alternative which presents only nouns in their plural forms.
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Pergunta 2 de 10
2. Pergunta
Salad Poem
(for Henri Rousseau le Douanier)
The sun is shining outside
Henri Rousseau (Gentil Rousseau)
The sky is blue
like your skies
I want to paint the salad
on the table
bright crisp green red purple
lettuce and radishes, ham and tomatoes
Paint them like your jungles
Gentle Rousseau
I want to paint
All things bright and beautiful
All salads great and small
I want to make
Blue skies bluer
Green grass greener
Pink flowers brighter
Like you
Henri Rousseau
Adrian Henri
Which of the following groups of words from TEXT consists only of nouns:
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Pergunta 3 de 10
3. Pergunta
(PUC RS/2007)
A thousand years7 ago, the coconut tree7 did not even exist in Tahiti. It was the pioneering Polynesians who first7 brought this plant1 with them in their migrations. A tree of life2 in every sense of the phrase12, its nut supplies12 water, milk and edible3 pulp; its “heart” is eaten in salads; its trunk8 serves as framework9 for Tahitian huts10, and its palms are woven4 as roofing11.
Then14, of course, there is the coconut which14, when cut In15 two and dried in the sun, produces oil. Plait5 three blades of grass6 and dip13 into15 this oil, light13… And you have a lamp. A lamp which not so15 very long ago was still used throughout14 the islands.
Nouns in English can be divided into countable or uncountable (e.g.: apple X water). In order to indicate some kind of “measurement” in the case of uncountable nouns, another noun is required (e.g.: glasses or liters of water). Accordingly, the expression below that is equivalent to the structure blades of grass (ref.6) is
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Pergunta 4 de 10
4. Pergunta
(URCA CE/2007)
NUTTY FOR THE DRAWING BOARD (PART I) About to turn 75, author and cartoonist Ziraldo collects honors and says he is in love with his work. Ziraldo Alves Pinto contradicts the legend that people from Minas Gerais don´t talk too much. Born in the city of Caratinga, in October 1932, the author of one of the greatest editorial successes in Brazil, the children´s book The Nutty Boy, from 1980, lets loose to talk about Blank Ipassion for drawing and for the art of putting ideas on paper. Full of projects, Ziraldo says that he doesn´t plan to stop soon. Happy, he celebrates innumerous honors which he has received in 2007, when he turns 75 years old and completes more than 50 years in his career.
There are exhibitions that show his talent as movie poster, designer, cartoonist, comic strip writer, and illustrator. Ziraldo was also honored with an extensive display in the 18th Salão Carioca de Humor, which ended in April.
Ziraldo, who has already sold almost 10 million books, is the author of the first national comic magazine written by a single author, Pererê´s Gang. But his first success in children´s literature was the book Flicts (1969), about a color that can´t find its place in the world. (…)
Examples of countable nouns are:
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Pergunta 5 de 10
5. Pergunta
(EFOA MG/2006)
Who lives longer?
1How to live longer is a topic that has fascinated mankind for 2centuries. Today scientists are beginning to separate the facts from the 3fallacies surrounding the aging process. Why is it that some people reach 4a ripe old age and others do not? Several factors influencing longevity are 5set at birth, but surprisingly, many others are elements that can be 6changed. Here is what you should know.
7Some researchers divide the elements determining who will live 8longer into two categories: fixed factors and changeable factors. Gender, 9race and heredity are fixed factors – they can’t be reversed, although 10certain long term social changes can influence them. For example, 11women live longer than men – at birth, their life expectancy is seven to 12eight years more. However, cigarette smoking, drinking and reckless 13driving could shorten this advantage.
14There is increasing evidence that length of life is also influenced 15by a number of elements that are within our ability to control. The most 16obvious are physical life-style factors.
17Cutting calories may be the single most significant life-style 18change you can make. Experiments have shown that in laboratory 19animals, a 40 percent calorie reduction leads to a 50 percent extension in 20longevity. According to experts, eating less has a more profound and 21diversified effect on the aging process than does any other life-style 22change. It is the only factor we know of in laboratory animals that is an 23anti-aging factor.
24A long life, however, is not just the result of being good to your 25body and avoiding disease. All the various factors that constitute and 26influence daily life can be critical too. In searching for the ingredients to a 27long, healthy existence, scientists are studying links between longevity 28and the psychological and social aspects of human existence. Several 29aspects can play significant roles in determining your longevity.
30Researchers have found that people who are socially integrated – 31members of a family network, married, or participants of structured group 32activities – live longer.
33Early studies indicated that the more friends and relatives you 34had, the longer you lived. Newer studies focus on the types of 35relationships that are most beneficial. According to these studies, larger 36networks don’t always seem to be advantageous to women, since certain 37kinds of ties add more demands rather than generate more help.
38A feeling of autonomy or control can come from having a say in 39important decisions (where you live, how you spend your money) or from 39being surrounded by people who inspire confidence in your ability to 40master certain tasks. Studies show these feelings bring a sense of wellbeing 41and satisfaction with life.
42Where you live can make a difference in how long you live. A 43study by the California Department of Health Services in Berkeley found a 4440 percent higher mortality rate among people living in a poverty area 45compared to those in a nonpoverty area. According to the study, the 46difference was not due to age, sex, health care or life-style. The resulting 47hypothesis was that a locale can have socioeconomic characteristics, 48such as high crime rate and level of stress, that make it unhealthy.
49People with higher incomes, more education and high-status 50occupations tend to live longer. Researchers used to think this was due to 51better living and job conditions, nutrition and access to health care, but 52these theories have not held up.
53The message from experts is clear. There are many ways to add 54years to your life. Instituting sound health practices and expanding your 55circle of acquaintances and activities will have a beneficial effect. The 56good news about aging is many of the factors related to longevity are also 57related to life satisfaction.
(Source: SKALKA, P. Who lives longer? In: SMITH, L. C.; MARE, N. N. (Org.).
Topics for today: an advanced reading skills text. 2 ed. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle, 1997, p. 70-73. Adapted.)
All of the following words function as nouns in the text, EXCEPT:
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Pergunta 6 de 10
6. Pergunta
What is Ebola?
Ebola is a viral illness of which the initial symptoms can include a sudden fever, intense weakness, muscle pain and a sore throat. And that is just the beginning: subsequent stages are vomiting, diarrhoea and – in some cases – both internal and external bleeding.
Healthcare workers are at risk if they treat patients without taking the right precautions to avoid infection. People are infectious as long as their blood and secretions contain the virus – in some cases, up to seven weeks after they recover.
The virus was first discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976 since when it has mostly affected countries further east, such as Uganda and Sudan. From Nzerekore, a remote area of south-eastern Guinea, the virus spread to the capital, Conakry, and neighbouring Liberia and Sierra Leone.
There have been 20 cases of Ebola being imported by someone travelling from a country of widespread transmission to Nigeria, with eight confirmed deaths.
A nurse in Spain became the first person to contract the deadly virus outside of West Africa, after treating two Spanish missionaries who had eventually died of Ebola in Madrid.
Ebola is spread through close physical contact with infected people. This is a problem for many in the West African countries currently affected by the outbreak, as practices around religion and death involve close physical contact.
The ritual preparation of bodies for burial involves washing, touching and kissing. Those with the highest status in society are often charged with washing and preparing the body. For a woman this can include braiding the hair, and for a man shaving the head.
If a person has died from Ebola, their body will have a very high viral load. Bleeding is a usual symptom of the disease prior to death. Those who handle the body and come into contact with the blood or other body fluids are at greatest risk of catching the disease.
The item in which the gerund form was used as a noun is:
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Pergunta 7 de 10
7. Pergunta
(PUC GO/2015)
Arandir (numa alucinação) – Dália, faz o seguinte. Olha o seguinte: diz à Selminha. (violento) Diz que, em toda minha vida, a única coisa que salva é o beijo no asfalto. Pela primeira vez. Dália, escuta! Pela primeira vez, na vida! Por um momento, eu me senti bom! (furioso) Eu me senti quase, nem sei! Escuta, escuta! Quando eu te vi no banheiro, eu não fui bom, entende? Desejei você. Naquele momento, você devia ser a irmã nua. E eu desejei. Saí logo, mas desejei a cunhada. Na praça da Bandeira, não. Lá, eu fui bom. É lindo! É lindo, eles não entendem. Lindo beijar quem está morrendo! (grita) Eu não me arrependo! Eu não me arrependo!
Dália – Selminha te odeia! (Arandir volta para a cunhada, cambaleante. Passa a mão na boca encharcada.)
Arandir (com voz estrangulada) – Odeia. (muda de tom) Por isso é que recusou. Recusou o meu beijo. Eu quis beijar e ela negou. Negou a boca. Não quis o meu beijo.
Dália – Eu quero!
Arandir (atônito) – Você?
Dália (sofrida) – Selminha não te beija, mas eu.
Arandir (contido) – Você é uma criança. (Dália aperta entre as mãos o rosto de Arandir.)
Arandir – Dália. (Dália beija-o, de leve, nos lábios.)
Dália – Te beijei.
Arandir (maravilhado) – Menina!
Dália (quase sem voz) – Agora me beija. Você. Beija.
Arandir (desprende-se com violência) – Eu amo Selminha!
Dália (desesperada) – Eu me ofereço e. Selminha não veio e eu vim.
Arandir – Dália, eu mato tua irmã. Amo tanto que. (muda de tom) Eu ia pedir. Pedir à Selminha para morrer comigo.
Dália – Morrer?
Arandir (desesperado) – Eu e Selminha! Mas ela não veio!
Dália (agarra o cunhado. Quase boca com boca, sôfrega) – Eu morreria.
Arandir – Comigo?
Dália (selvagem) – Contigo! Nós dois! Contigo! Eu te amo!
(RODRIGUES, Nelson. O beijo no asfalto.
Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1995. p. 98-100.)
The noun “kiss” (beijo) and verb “kiss” (beijar) appear numerous times in text in both the title of the work, as well as in the dialogue between the two characters. Although the verb “kiss” can be used as an intransitive verb, it is generally used, such as in the excerpt from O beijo no asfalto, as a transitive verb.
Recalling that a transitive verb is an action verb that takes an object, which of the following sentence or sentences exemplifies the use of a transitive verb?
I. John ran quickly.
II. Susie kicked the ball.
III. My uncle broke the window.
IV. I wrote a letter to my friend.
Choose from the following options:
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Pergunta 8 de 10
8. Pergunta
The worldwide phenomenon of The Hunger Games continues to set the world on fire with The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1, which finds Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) in District 13 after she literally shatters the games forever. Under the leadership of President Coin (Julianne Moore) and the advice of her trusted friends, Katniss spreads her wings as she fights to save Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) and a nation moved by her courage. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 is directed by Francis Lawrence from a screenplay by Danny Strong and Peter Craig and produced by Nina Jacobson’s Color Force in tandem with producer Jon Kilik. The novel on which the film is based is the third in a trilogy written by Suzanne Collins that has over 65 million copies in print in the U.S. alone. (c) Lionsgate
Rating: PG-13 (for intense sequences of violence and action, some disturbing images and thematic material)
Genre: Drama , Action & Adventure , Science Fiction & Fantasy
Directors: Francis Lawrence (II) , Francis Lawrence
Some suffixes are used in order to create a noun from a verb.
Choose the alternative which exclusively presents verbs which were turned into nouns by adding a suffix.
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Pergunta 9 de 10
9. Pergunta
Brazil police occupy Rio favela in World Cup operation
Brazilian security forces have occupied one of Rio de Janeiro’s biggest slums as part of a major crackdown ahead of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics.
Some 800 police and special forces moved into the Mangueira shantytown, without needing to fire a shot, having announced the raid in advance.
The slum – or favela – is close to Rio’s famous Maracana stadium, where the World Cup final will be played.
The pre-dawn operation involved armoured vehicles and helicopters.
According to the newspaper, O Globo, leaflets were thrown out of the helicopters, some with photos of wanted criminals.
Others were printed with the police special forces’ telephone number so that residents could pass on information about drugs traffickers or weapons.
BBC Brazil correspondent Paulo Cabral says most of Mangueira’s residents co-operated with the operation, as they want to rid the area of drug dealers.
He says that Rio’s authorities are making an effort to gain the trust of those living in the slums, who – after decades of abuse – have got used to seeing the police as their enemy.
Mangueira – home to one of Rio’s most famous samba schools – is the 18th favela that the authorities have occupied recently.
Mark the noun that does NOT have the same plural form as in residents:
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Pergunta 10 de 10
10. Pergunta
(FGV /2007)
On Sept. 20, in all likelihood, Shinzo Abe will be elected president of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party – a victory that will guarantee his election, a few days later, as prime minister. Yasuo Fukuda, his closest rival, had been campaigning as the dovish alternative to the hawkish Abe. But then North Korea fired a clutch of missiles into the sea of Japan, shifting the balance decisively in favor of Shinzo Abe, who first transformed himself into a national figure in 2002 by harshly indicting North Korea for its abductions of innocent Japanese citizens in the 1970s.
What will the world see when the cameras are finally trained on Abe? The problem is that no one – not even the Japanese – really knows. That’s caused observers to latch onto1 what little they do know about his ambitions.
He’s got at least two big goals, and they’re both risky. The first is revising the Constitution to eliminate Japan’s pacifist postwar military tradition, and the second, which could be a function of the first, is defying China’s bid for regional preeminence. A generation ago, the first idea would have struck mainstream Japanese voters as irresponsibly radical; the second even now strikes many as fraught with2 uncertainty.
This summer he shocked many of his compatriots when he responded to the North Korean missile tests by suggesting that it might be time to consider the option of pre-emptive strikes to prevent future launches. But Abe subsequently backtracked, and lately he’s adopted a softer tone.
Surprises could be in the offing. Rumor has it, for example, that Abe’s aides are busily working to set up summit meetings with the leaders3 of China and South Korea, in a bid for a fresh diplomat start with those neighbors. But no one knows how a Prime Minister Abe would handle himself in a crisis. If you want to get to know Shinzo Abe, wait until the real work begins.
(from Asia’s Mystery Man in NEWSWEEK, Sept.18, 2006)
The agentive suffix ER is added to the verb lead to form the noun leader (ref.3). It can be added to all the following items, except
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